Are your products considered amplifiers or hearing aids?

Ceretone hearing aids are classified by the FDA as a Class II Medical Device. Our hearing aids feature noise cancellation and the ability to amplify speech over background noises. This feature is not found in hearing amplifiers.


We offer two styles of hearing aids: Invisible-in-canal (IIC) and Behind-the-ear (BTE).


Core One is an IIC hearing aid, which is the smallest custom hearing aids available and are designed and molded to fit perfectly inside your ear canal.

Beacon is a BTE hearing aid, which sits behind the ear and is connected to an earmold that fits inside the ear canal.

We include different sizes of domes in your Ceretone box, ensuring that most individuals can find a comfortable fit.

Note: You might need a different sized dome for each ear. If you feel discomfort, please try changing the dome.


If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support center by the "Submit a Request" link at the top, or:



Phone: (866) 283-4262

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